We know that Surya Bhagavan has the name Bhanu and Sunday is the day attributed to him. When Saptami thithi and Sunday come together, it is known as Bhanu Saptami. On this day, Surya made his first appearance on the chariot of seven horses, thus this day also called as Surya Saptami or Vyavasvathma Saptami. Out of the 52 Sundays in a year, a few could be Bhanu Saptami days.
Bhanu Saptami is equivalent to Surya Grahanam. It is very auspicious to do pithru tarpanam on this day (just like doing tarpanam after Surya Grahanam). Taking a dip in holy waters and offering dhanams are also very good. Offering dhanams on this day adds to one’s punya palan thousand times more.
Offering sweets made of wheat to Surya Bagavan in some open space like terrace where you can get sunlight is very propitious for pleasing the Sun God on Bhanu Saptami. If you take avow (fast) on this day, it will relieve your parents and spouse of their long-drawn illness. You will achieve covetable job positions. If there is any eye related problem in the family, thatwill be removed.
A person should also chant 'Om Ghrani Suryaya Namah' or 'Om Suryaya Namah'. Reading Aditya Hridiya Stotra is also considered to be auspicious.
The Aditya Hridayam, is a hymn in glorification of the Sun or Surya and was recited by the great sage Agastya to Lord Rama on the battlefield before fighting with Ravana. This historic hymn starts at the beginning of the Battle with Ravana, when Lord Rama is fatigued and getting ready to fight. The mystical hymn is directed to the Sun God, the illustrious lord of all victories.
Stories related to the benefits of worshipping Surya Bhagavan
- It is only the recital of Aditya Hridayam that brought victory for Rama over Ravana
- Those who wish to attain aura(tejas) around them need to recite Aditya Hridaya Stotram (Tejaskamo Vibhavasum) as mentioned in Bhagavatham
- Kunti Devi got Karna as her son by the grace of Surya Bhagavan and Rurajasa(monkey) got Sugriva as his son.
- Sathrajith, the Yadav raja rishi got chamanthakamani by worshipping Lord Surya.
- Yudhistra obtained Akshaya Patra (the bowl that fulfills the wish of the person who owns it) by worshiping Surya Bhagavan and he used it for entertaining sadhus and sanyasis when he stayed in the forest with brothers and wife after losing everything in the gambling.
- It is stated in the SkandaPurananm that one who worships Lord Surya will get happiness and prosperity in life (Dinesam Sukhardham).
- In Samba Purana, Samba, son of Jambavathy got cured of his leprosy by praying to Lord Surya.
- Mayurabhatta made his body diamond-wise by worshipping Lord Surya and got rid of his disease.

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